Monday, 9 September 2013

On Becoming Discoverable - advice for job applicants

Eventually there comes a time in every period of employment that an employee starts to imagine the greener pastures that exist in other offices.  It's not that they've been courted by an unscrupulous recruiter, it's not that they are moving town or countries, it's not even that they've been fired for stealing stationery supplies and selling them on eBay. They've decided it's time to leave and it's on their own terms.

They lovingly craft themselves a new CV. They toy with the idea of of a video resume, or an infographic to show their creativity...then fire up Word and smoosh their details into a template.  They search the internet for a new role. They trawl LinkedIn and then they  find something; a glimmer of what might be.  They measure themselves against the requirements, ask friends about the company, research using Glassdoor and finally they click "Apply".

Then... nothing.

They were right for the role.  All the requisite skills, even a few extra ones that the hiring managers would love. So why are not being courted, loved, made to feel like the beautiful and unique snowflake they are by a whole gaggle of in-house recruiters?  Why are they lost, trapped in a black hole, ignored?

The answer...because they applied.

In many of the recruitment teams I have managed to date there is a odd behavioural pattern that I have noticed more than once.  Those CV's that have arrived through direct application are not as valued or deemed inferior to those that have been head hunted or sourced through some circuitous route.  This leads to a selection bias on the part of the recruiter to over state the suitability of a candidate that has been sourced through toil and denigrate the suitability of those candidates who apply directly because of their availability.  Because we have been told many times that the "good" candidates "aren't looking" or are "passive", those that are active must be inferior. This despite metrics that directly show that 10 to 15% of hires had come through direct applications!

There are many reasons why this could have happened.  The "groupthink" or herd behaviour of the team seeking to emulate a strong performer, a little cultural inheritance from a previous job or even an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect - the recruiter valuing their own perceived skills over that which lacked their "superior" touch.

It may not be the fault of the recruiter.  Some of the organisations I have seen use an applicant tracking system that deposits CV's of applicants to be viewed into "bins" or "buckets".  There has to be some linguistic reinforcement of perceived value here.  When I think of the contents of these inanimate objects I don't really see it positively.  In British English a "bin" is where we put rubbish or trash and a "bucket" is used for cleaning, it's association is with dirt or grime.  How many bins and buckets are filled with gold, or diamonds, or unicorns!  Institutionally we can do something to aid the shaping of behaviour here, why not refer to an internal talent "pool" and try to excise the negativity that could aid prejudgement?

So what can a candidate do?  My advice to a candidate looking for work is to make themselves discoverable.  Prior to applying, try to ensure that you have a footprint that means you can be found on the internet.  Google yourself.  Know where it is that recruiters will look for people with your skills.  For the developers and software engineers that I recruit there are a wealth of venues to utilise.  I am assuming you're OK with surrendering a little privacy to be discovered...

Firstly, LinkedIn.  Have a profile, make that profile detailed, feel cheap and dirty with all the spam you'll get you can always shutter it or delete it all together when you've found that dream job.  For a growing majority of recruiters LinkedIn is the first port of call, for some it's their only port of call.

Secondly, as a developer or an software engineer if you don't have an account on Stack Overflow you should. Any forum which is monetised for recruiters is a sure sign that recruiters are there and searching for candidates.

Thirdly, broaden your other social media footprint.  Have a G+ account, have a Twitter account, take down the drunken photos on Facebook because the more savvy recruiters out there will be looking here for you too.  If you list a job title or a company this will make you more likely to be found - check that "other" message inbox from time to time too!

Even if you only did these few things, pretty low effort, you'd be on the radar of more recruiters more of the time.  Now add to this your own blog, open source software contributions, your own website to further aggregate this stuff and you'll be surrounded in no time, of course when you've found that dream job you can take back some privacy and close or hide these accounts - you've only had to deal with those rascally recruiters on your terms and when you wanted to, that has to be better than sending that CV into the void, only for it to land in a "bucket", right?

1 comment:

Steve Moyer said...

Great post. This phenomenon is bizarre. It seems to be widespread. When I was last applying I got 0 replys to applications and all my interviews base on some sort of referral. As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if the person knows you any better than a thirty second perusal of your resume. Just the fact that someone else had a hand in turning in your resume seems to be the recipe for getting a response. Whether it was a good third party recruiter, a slimy third party recruiter, someone you know, someone you don't really know. someone in the company you randomly contacted on linked in. I was positing that it was laziness. Rather than look through the deep stacks of applicants just substitute any random person's judgement for your own. Whether they know the person or not. I've been telling people not to bother applying directly at all. Simply work connections. Work non-connections. Find any random person who can submit you without going through official process. What a weird job market. Any thoughts on how to rectify this situation?